How-to Week, Day 5 – Using Animoto and VoiceThread

This is the last day of How-to Week on Free Technology for Teachers. Earlier this week we looked at how to create a wiki, how to create a blog, how to use, and how to create a website. Today, I want to show you how to use two of my favorite resources, Animoto and VoiceThread.

Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. In the video below I explain how to create your first Animoto video.
If you’re viewing this in RSS you may need to click through to view the video.

Below is the video created in the how-to video above.

VoiceThread is another of my favorite tools because you can use it create online demonstrations or host conversations around an image, document, or video.
In the VoiceThread below, Diane Krause explains how to create a VoiceThread.

In the VoiceThread below, you can learn how to use VoiceThread’s video doodling feature.

Here are some previous posts about Animoto and VoiceThread:
Animoto for Education – The End of Boring Slideshows
Where I Live… Another Use for Animoto
Connecting Classrooms Through VoiceThread
A Student-Parent-Teacher Lesson Plan


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!