Make PicMonkey Collages to Pique Kids’ Interest in Books
This week I am away on an offline vacation. Rather than let the blog be dormant or rerunning old posts I decided to give some
This week I am away on an offline vacation. Rather than let the blog be dormant or rerunning old posts I decided to give some
This week I am away on an offline vacation. Rather than let the blog be dormant or rerunning old posts I decided to give some
Good evening from Boston, Massachusetts where I’m waiting for a flight to jet me away on a mountain biking vacation. Since I committed to “no computer” vacation
Earlier this evening I mentioned the new iPad apps for Google Drive and for Chrome. Another, and perhaps more important, announcement from Google today deals
In more big news from Google that I missed earlier today while I was teaching. Chrome is now available on the iPad. This means that
While I was teaching at Ed Tech Teacher’s summer workshop today big news came from Google today. You can now install Google Drive on your
I’m on a bit of an animated explanatory video kick this evening. This marks the third mention of an animated video in a post today.
The Tour de France kicks-off on Saturday. This year you and your students can virtually cycle along with the world’s best cyclists. Cycling the Alps
PowToon is a new service for creating explanatory videos through what appears to be a simple drag and drop process. PowToon provides drawings of people and objects
Image Credit: No, this is not about those delicious-looking cookies to the left. This is about the kind of cookies that are captured when you
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