Now Your Students Can Join Your Wikispaces Wikis Through Class Codes
Wikispaces has released a new feature that I think will be a hit with a lot of teachers. You can now have your students join
Wikispaces has released a new feature that I think will be a hit with a lot of teachers. You can now have your students join
Flashcard Monkey is a fun little site on which students can review SAT vocabulary words. The flashcards feature simple cartoons that illustrate the meaning of
A stray cat in my neighborhood. I named him Geoffrey. One of the strategies that I frequently recommend to teachers as a way to help
Earlier this week at the Practical Ed Tech Summer Camp I was able to use Plickers with a group for the first time. Plickers is
The integration of third party services is one of the things that makes Edmodo a good system for organizing and sharing content with students. The
OLogy is the American Museum of Natural History’s website of online science lessons and games for kids. OLogy has sections covering fourteen topics in science
Read Write Think is one of my favorite places to find all kinds of templates and outlines for use in elementary school classrooms. RWT’s Animal transforms teaching materials into interactive digital lessons and saves teachers time with instant autograding. Our platform integrates seamlessly with major systems for personalized student engagement.
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