SeeSaw is a great platform for creating digital portfolios. Whether students use the free SeeSaw iPad app, the Android app, the Chrome app, or just the website they can add all kinds of media to their digital portfolios. SeeSaw supports uploading videos, documents, slideshows, and audio recordings. Students can also include hyperlinks in their digital portfolios.
Students can add pictures to their SeeSaw portfolios in two ways. As previously mentioned, students can upload pictures to their portfolios. They can also use the cameras on their tablets, Chromebooks, or laptops to snap a picture that is directly added to their portfolios. Regardless of which method students use to add a picture, they can add audio commentary to their pictures. Once the picture is added students will see a menu just below it that includes an “audio” button. When they tap the audio button students can immediately start recording themselves talking about the pictures they’ve added to their portfolios.
Applications for Education
Adding audio commentary to images can be a great way for students to explain the significance of a picture in their portfolios. It’s also a good way for students to explain to you an understanding of a concept that they’ve illustrated.
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