This is day 3 of how-to week on Free Technology for Teachers. On Monday we looked at getting started with Wikispaces. Yesterday, we looked at starting a blog using Blogger, Edublogs, and WordPress. Today, we will look at all of the things you can do with is a very simple platform for sharing and creating a wide variety of files, links, and media.
Here is a run-down of ten things that you can do with
1. Post documents and PDFs for others to view and download.
2. Post documents, links, videos, audio files for others to access and comment on.
3. Create voice recordings in MP3 format.
4. Establish a voicemail box at no cost to you.
5. Host online presentations.
6. Chat with others accessing your page.
7. Create an anonymous email account.
8. Create a “drop box” to collect work from students using the upload widget.
9. Use bookmarklet to bookmark links and add them to your page.
10. Offer RSS feed for updates to your page.
In the video below I demonstrate how quick and easy it is to get started with
The video below is an overview of all of’s options.