Pros and Cons of Using Social Media for School Announcements
When used correctly social media can be a fantastic aid in spreading the good word about your school. As I wrote in my post about
When used correctly social media can be a fantastic aid in spreading the good word about your school. As I wrote in my post about
Air travel fascinates me which is why The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum is one of my favorite museums. One of my good friends
From time to time I receive requests for help with GeoGebra. Not being a mathematics teacher, my hands-on experience with the program is limited to
Update, May 2021: The resource featured in this blog post is no longer online. A couple of weeks ago I published a post about a
Vizlingo is an interesting little service for creating and sending short video messages. Here’s what it does; you type in a short phrase like “hello world”
This is a guest post from Sabba Quidwai (@AskMsQ) of EdTechTeacher – an advertiser on this site. A recent app developed by UC Berkeley’s Lawrence
Like a lot of kids, when I was a middle school and high school student the vocabulary of math often tripped me up. Once I
Last week I received a copy of Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick’s book The Art of Social Media. It’s a quick read that is full
Good morning from the World Headquarters in Woodstock, Maine. For the third day in a row we are experiencing squalls, wind, and generally just
Earlier this week John Stevens tipped me off to using g(Math) to add handwritten responses to Google Forms. This morning John sent me a direct transforms teaching materials into interactive digital lessons and saves teachers time with instant autograding. Our platform integrates seamlessly with major systems for personalized student engagement.
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