Classwork recently went through a complete overhaul so that it runs smoother and faster than ever before. As a result, the free version of Classwork is now easier for teachers and students to use.
Three Activities All Teachers Can Make in Classwork
Before jumping into the activities that you can make in Classwork, let’s review the basics of what Classwork is and how it works. Classwork is a tool that you can use to turn your PDFs, Word docs, and Google Slides into interactive activities for your students to complete online. Classwork will automatically score those activities for you, if you choose to enable that option. Should you choose not to have activities scored for you, you can still view what your students do on each activity.
The free version of Classwork enables you to create three different activity types. Those activity types are fill-in-the-blank (also known as cloze activities), multiple choice, and open response. All three activity types can be combined in one assignment in Classwork. To do that you simply write your questions in your favorite word processing tool, save it as a PDF, then upload it to your free Classwork account to turn it into an online activity for your students to complete. Watch my video that is embedded below to see how you can take a Google Doc and make it into a Classwork activity in minutes.
Video – How to Use Classwork
Use Classwork for Fun Holiday Activities
Last week I talked with the founder of Classwork, Laura Bresko (a former teacher), about use cases for Classwork. One of the most common ways that she’s seeing teachers use Classwork is to quickly create activities to align with holidays commonly celebrated in classrooms. For example, Halloween, Groundhog Day, and Valentine’s Day are big deals in elementary schools.
Creating online activities for fun holidays is an example of using Classwork to address a short term need. On a similar note, Classworkis good for making activities to address other short term needs like developing practice activities to keep momentum going when the regular school schedule has been interrupted by events like snow days (we’ve had a lot of them in my part of the world this winter).
All Your Stuff is Still There
If you used Classwork at any point during the last few school years, all of your materials are still there in your account. You can sign-in today and use all of the free and premium features right away. Right now, all teachers have access to all of the premium features like drag-and-drop activities for the rest of the month. After that you can still use the core features for free including unlimited reporting on student progress.
Finally, for my friends who like to use Canva, take a look at this video I made about how to combine Canva and Classwork.