A New Chapter for Me

Richard Byrne headshot      Image made of text that says "I'm eading back to school as a law student."

On a November afternoon in 2007 I started writing at FreeTech4Teachers.com. Back then I had no intention to keep it up  every day for the next sixteen years. It just happened because I liked doing it. Fast forward to today I’ve published more than 17,500 blog posts. Along the way, many of you invited me into your schools to share, teach, and learn with you. Even more of you shared my work with your friends and colleagues. And some of you became my good friends. Thank you!


Now it’s time for me to move on from daily blogging about educational technology. I was actually thinking about winding it down in early 2020. Then a worldwide pandemic suddenly brought a whole new crop of readers to my blog, so I kept going. Last summer I started to think about winding it down, again. Many of you know I have a very young family and one very old dream to nurture.

I had a couple of offers to sell FreeTech4Teachers.com, but both made me feel like I was handing it over to people who didn’t actually care about teachers and students. Recently, I was speaking with Laura Bresko, the founder and CEO of Classwork.com, and came away knowing I’d found a good home for us.

As of today, Classwork.com is the owner of FreeTech4Teachers.com. They will be maintaining the archives of what I’ve published since 2007. Equally important, they will continue to add new content to it. Much of it will even be written by me! 


Where am I Going?

Vermont Law School logo

Some of you may have already picked up on the hints I’ve dropped on my YouTube channel and on social media. I’m starting law school this fall at Vermont Law and Graduate School. I’m enrolled in a JD program designed for working professionals. 

FreeTech4Teachers Will Continue with Weekly Posts

Speaking of working, when I’m not studying or spending time with my girls, I’ll be writing about edtech for Classwork.com and producing videos for my YouTube channel. (My goal is five per week.) Though I’ll still be bringing you important and interesting edtech topics, it will be on more of a weekly basis.

What About PracticalEdTech.com?

PracticalEdTech.com is where I will still be offering my online professional development courses. Nothing is changing here. If you are currently enrolled in a course or have taken a course in the last year, you still have access to all of the course materials and I’m still answering any questions you send to me at richard@byrne.media 

Contact me:

My Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Strava, and Threads accounts are staying the same. Likewise, you can still email me directly at richard@byrne.media. (And you’ll be able to reach me through Classwork.com.)

Wish me luck 🤞 as I become a student once again. I have dreamt of going to law school since I was a teenager. Now I’m finally able to do it! Your support of my work has helped get me here. I look forward to sharing my new experiences with you.

Be well, 



Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!