May, 2012 – seems to have gone offline.

Joyce Seitzinger, author of the
Cat’s Pyjamas blog, has a great one sheet
guide for Moodle using teachers. The guide is essentially a chart of things that you can do with Moodle and how those things can help you reach your pedagogical objectives.
Here’s how the guide is read, pick a task such as “create a news forum” on the side of the chart then find an objective on the top of the chart. Follow the two columns to where they meet to find a color coded explanation of why a forum might be good for dissemintating information, but not so good for assessing learning.
You can download the chart here or explore the Cat’s Pyjamas here.

Russell Stannard runs an excellent website
Teacher Training Videos. Included in his catalog of free videos are tutorials for using Moodle.